articles and announcements

IEP Goal: #164

December 9, 2015

IEP Goal: #164

Given a core vocabulary word paired with a symbol, she will navigate to the word on her AAC device, independently, on 8 out of 10 opportunities weekly as measured by teacher data collection and observation.

Given a core vocabulary word paired with a symbol, she will navigate to the word on her AAC device, with physical prompts as needed, on 8 out of 10 opportunities weekly as measured by teacher data collection and observation.

Given a core vocabulary word paired with a symbol, she will navigate to the word on her AAC device, with gestural prompts as needed, on 8 out of 10 opportunities weekly as measured by teacher data collection and observation.

Given a core vocabulary word paired with a symbol, she will navigate to the word on her AAC device, with verbal prompts as needed, on 8 out of 10 opportunities weekly as measured by teacher data collection and observation.