December 9, 2015
Given an array of letter flashcards, Student will point to the correct letter asked from her name with 85% accuracy on 4 out of 5 data collection days. Given an array of letter flashcards, Student will point to the correct […]
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December 9, 2015
Given a flashcard with a letter from her name, Student will state the letter [could be verbal or on device] with 85% accuracy on 4 out of 5 data collection days. Given a flashcard with a letter from her name, […]
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December 9, 2015
Given a card with her name and 2 other word cards, Student will independently point to her name on 4 out of 5 opportunities on 4 out of 5 data collection days, as measured by weekly data collection. Given a […]
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December 9, 2015
student is able to reaad at a 2.0 gradelevel. Student will read at a 3.0 grade level within this IEP school year.
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December 9, 2015
Within 1 year student will point to 25 objects and/or pictures of familiar items, when requested, with 80% accuracy, 4 out of 5 days, as measured by the classroom teacher. Within 4 months student will point to 10 objects, above […]
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December 9, 2015
Within 1 year student will be able to sit at a table with a small group of his classmates and engage in an appropriate activity with minimal adult prompting, for 5-10 minutes, 4 out of 5 days, as measured by […]
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December 9, 2015
Within 1 year student will match 10 identical pictures to same, with 80% independence, 4 out of 5 days, as measured by classroom teacher. Within 4 months student will match 10 identical objects to same, with 80% independence, 4 out […]
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December 9, 2015
Given familiar songs and finger plays (Wheels on the Bus, Eensy Weensy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle, etc…) Student will independently imitate 10 teacher gestures, 3 out of 4 times over 6 out of 8 trials, as measured by weekly data collection […]
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