July 5, 2016
After adult modeling on Student’s device/board, Student will use AAC device or board within close distance and/or gestures to select 2 icons or combine icon and gesture to request item, activity, help, or stop an activity or take a break […]
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January 23, 2016
Within natural contexts throughout the day and given a situation (calling out, raising hand, looking towards communication book) in which an adult asks “do you have something to say?”, Student will initiate use of the communication book and attempt to […]
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January 23, 2016
Given his/her communication book, Student will generate 3-4 word sentences using the communication book, at least X times per day (whatever is appropriate for that student), as measured by adult data collection. Given his/her communication book or other modalities, Student […]
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January 23, 2016
When Student’s behavior implies an interest in communicating (by looking toward the communication book, calling out, or showing a change in affect) within the context of teachable moments, Student will express an increasing range of communicative functions such as requests, […]
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January 23, 2016
Within natural contexts throughout the day, student will use X amount of communicative functions expressively with the communication book and partner-assisted scanning, during 10 opportunities daily (or whatever is appropriate for that student), as measured by teacher data collection. Communicative […]
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January 23, 2016
Given a book of photos and videos of his/her own personal experiences, student will engage in joint attention with a communication partner for (whatever amount of time is appropriate for the specific student), on 3 opportunities daily (or whatever is […]
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January 23, 2016
Given a book of personal experiences, student will attend to photos and/or videos of his/her own experiences as demonstrated by (define this for the specific child – eye gaze, turning the pages, etc), during 5 opportunities daily (or whatever is […]
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January 23, 2016
Given natural contexts throughout the day, Student will show increasing interest and attention to someone using a comprehensive aided communication system to talk to him/her in natural contexts throughout the day by looking towards the communication symbols or partner, calming […]
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