Funding Research for Treatments and a Cure

Sleep Patterns and Autistic Symptomology in Angelman Syndrome: Further Delineation of the Behavioral Phenotype
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Nicolay Walz Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Sleep Patterns and Autistic Symptomology in Angelman Syndrome: Further Delineation of the Behavioral Phenotype


ASF maintains contact with hundreds of families throughout the United States and in other parts of the world and this contact serves as a valuable resource for investigators wishing to learn more about certain behavioral or medical problems of those with AS. In this project, information was gleaned from over 300 families who provided questionnaire data about the sleep difficulties present in their child with AS. Results from this questionnaire confirmed that a variety of sleep problems do exist in AS. These sleep difficulties range from easily awakening by noise, reliance on sleep facilitators, poor sleep initiation, and short sleep duration.