It’s Contest Time!

All 2023 ASF Walk sites and registered participants are eligible to win prizes. 

Two Teams with the Most Team Members*

The two ASF Walk teams with the most *paid team members. 

PRIZE: Gift Card to Adaptive Mall

Winners: Gavin’s Gang (Bettendorf, IA) & Happy Feet (Sacramento, CA)


If fundraising amount is at least $2,500 the AS individual receives a $250 gift Card. If fundraising amount is at least $5,000, the AS individual receives a $500 Gift Card.

Highest Fundraising Teams

The Top 10 fundraising teams. 

PRIZE: Safe Place Travel Bundle, valued at $400 each


Team Meghan, Sophia’s Angels, Braylon’s Besties, Team smISLA, HappyFeet, Team Jacob, Walk4Bode, Angel Andy’s Army, Marching for MIRAcles, Kaia’s Kickin AS

Top Individual Fundraiser

The top fundraiser will receive an Abram’s Nation Safety Sleeper Bed.
Valued at $4,500.

Winner will be determined June 12

Top Fundraising Team

The team with the highest amount raised will receive a large team trophy and $500 gift card to Adaptive Mall.

Winner will be determined June 12

ASF Walk Leaderboards

Top ASF Walkers

Top Teams