There is a special relationship between individuals with AS and their siblings. It can be loving and carefree, and at other times frustrating and overwhelming. Siblings are the future caretakers of their siblings and it’s a very important role that requires support and lots of planning.
On this page you will find opportunities offered by the ASF for siblings to connect, share experiences, get information and honor their sibling with AS.
Meeting Reminders via Text
You can sign up to receive texts to remind you about upcoming meetings. Learn how.
ASF Sibling Programs

Adult Siblings
This group is for older teens and adult siblings of an adult with AS.
Connect with other adult siblings
Learn about resources for your adult sibling with AS.
Information on future planning.
See Events to find meeting dates and time.

Angel Guardians
This group is for anyone involved in the care of an adult with AS - parents, siblings, neighbors, aunts/uncles.
Connect with other caregivers
Learn about resources to help in the journey of an adult with AS
Hear from guest speakers
See Events to find meeting dates and time.

Friends With Wings
This group is for siblings, friends of siblings, cousins, friends, family, classmates, neighbors, nieces/nephews who are 18 and younger. Friends will get a special t-shirt, participate in contests and learn how to have a voice for your friend with Angelman syndrome.
Connect with others your age
Learn about Angelman syndrome
Learn about ways you can support your sibling/friend
Spread awareness about AS
See Events to find meeting dates and time.

Sib Bash 2023
With funding from Ultragenyx, the ASF sponsored up to 10 regional parties planned and executed by siblings of individuals with AS. Those who were selected receivee up to $1,000 to host their get-together.
This was a great opportunity to create a fun event and make connections in the Angelman community.