IEP Goal: #163
After being read a story and asked WH questions either orally or via worksheet, student will indicate her response by choosing from a field of 3 visuals or stating response using AAC device, with 85% accuracy, on 4 out of 5 data collection days, as measured by teacher data collection.
After being read a story and asked WH questions either orally or via worksheet, student will indicate her response by choosing from a field of 3 visuals or stating response using AAC device, with 50% accuracy, on 4 out of 5 data collection days, as measur
After being read a story and asked WH questions either orally or via worksheet, student will indicate her response by choosing from a field of 3 visuals or stating response using AAC device, with 65% accuracy, on 4 out of 5 data collection days, as measur