IEP Goal: #83
Student will participate in a variety of oral motor activities to develop production of SLP chosen oral postures and movements, vowel sounds, and bilabial consonants /m/, /p/, /b/, /w/ in response to therapy and classroom instructional activities 3 out of 5 times each as measured by SLP and teacher records.
Student will produce 3 or more oral postures selected by SLP (e.g. lip closure, lip rounding) and 2 new vowel sounds in response to therapy and classroom instructional activities 2 out of 5 times each as measured by SLP and teacher records.
Student will produce 3 or more SLP chosen non-speech sounds (e.g. lip smack, sneeze, environmental/animal sounds) and consonants /m/, /b/, and /p/ in response to therapy activities 3 out of 5 times each as measured by SLP and teacher records.