IEP Goal from: #198
Within natural contexts throughout the day, student will use X amount of communicative functions expressively with the communication book and partner-assisted scanning, during 10 opportunities daily (or whatever is appropriate for that student), as measured by teacher data collection. Communicative functions could include requesting objects, actions, or activities, requesting a turn, rejecting or protesting or complaining, responding or acknowledging, drawing attention to something, clarify or specify, expressing an opinion, asking a question, or answering a question.
Possible objectives include increasing the amount of functions (starting at 2, then 4, then 6, etc), decreasing the number of adult prompts needed (i.e. starting at partial physical prompts, then gestural, then verbal, then none), or increasing the number of contexts student demonstrates the goal in (i.e. during 1:1 instruction time, then small group, then during lunch with peers).