articles and announcements

IEP Goal: #127

December 9, 2015

IEP Goal: #127

Student will demonstrate improved ball skills by hitting a ball off a tee with a bat, kicking a stationary ball to a partner/target, and throwing a small ball with one hand overhead throw to a target all on 4 out of 5 trials on 2 consecutive trial days as measured by teacher observation.

Student will demonstrate improved ball skills by hitting a ball off a tee with a bat, kicking a stationary ball to a partner/target, and throwing a small ball with one hand overhead throw to a target all on 2 out of 5 trials on 2 consecutive trial days as

Student will demonstrate improved ball skills by hitting a ball off a tee with a bat, kicking a stationary ball to a partner/target, and throwing a small ball with one hand overhead throw to a target all on 3 out of 5 trials on 2 consecutive trial days as